Ventro Events, Knowledge Sharing For All Ventro strives to educate and share knowledgeable information with all levels of expertise. We have a range of events, coffee mornings, webinars and CPDs for ...
A cultural change in the fire safety industry is needed Ever since fire safety regulations have been enforced, the industry has used these regulations as the standard by which all work should be carri ...
Competence in health and safety is an important component of workplace activities. 'The essence of competence is relevance to the workplace. What matters is that there is a proper focus on both the ri ...
Our Emergency Voice Communication System (EVC system), Refuge Alerter, is designed to be installed in building refuge areas – helping support safe evacuation of disabled people during emergencies.
Indoor mapping, made easy.
We have only one part-time administrator who is looking after 8 of us engineers that are out on the road earning revenue." - Simon Molloy, MD/Alliance Fire. Find out more about their success story.
The ACD is our most sophisticated sensor brought to market to date. It features three sensing elements – an optical smoke chamber, a heat thermistor and a CO sensor.
Hochiki’s ESP addressable range supports a whole family of SCI-enabled devices.
See how Uptick has helped Firemark transform their business by reducing the time it takes to get quotes to their customers and freeing up their office staff from doing manual work
In the first stop of our UK Tour, our very own Roi and JZ speak to Argos Fire to understand the impact Uptick has had on their business.
Discover more about FireAngel
Discover a few features available with FireAngel Connected
How could connected technology support landlords in identifying potentially vulnerable residents?
ONE's high performance, versatility and audi quality make it a powerful and affordable music and voice distribution system for all types of installations.
NEO is a compact EN-54 public address and voice alarm system which can cover the sound of small and medium installation centres by using only 1 piece of equipment.
We offer faster, safer and more controlled evacuations that can save lives with our NEO and ONE PAVA systems. Discover the extensive list of benefits our solutions.
Data centres support our day to day tasks, processing millions of terabytes of data every second. Discover how we can help you protect data centres.
Learn more about our latest smart building project at One Albert Quay in Cork, Ireland.
The FC600 range of repeaters include both AC and DC powered models, featuring a colour LCD display with 32 LED zonal display.
AdvancedLive is our new digital solution that gives you secure, easy, real-time access to your Advanced fire system data via any internet-enabled device.
Lets take a look at how Aurora can help streamline your fire risk management process with the client interactive dashboard and filters. If you’re still struggling searching through multiple Excel spre ...
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