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The Fire Safety Event

8 - 10 APRIL 2025

NEC, Birmingham

Exhibitor Videos

Fire extinguishers

28 Mar 2023

Is Managing Your Fire Safety A Headache?

Aurora Data Stand: 4/J45

Lets take a look at how Aurora can help streamline your fire risk management process with the client interactive dashboard and filters. If you’re still struggling searching through multiple Excel spreadsheets or even hard paper documents, we’re here to help.


Aurora’s interactive dashboard provides you with a real-time global view of your fire risk position across all your properties. With Aurora, you can drill down and access the details you need to complete your actions, in one click. This allows you to prioritise your efforts and allocate resources accordingly.


You can apply multiple filters and create reports on any property status, finding type and, risk & priority ratings. This allows you to access your fire safety information at any time, all in one place. Streamlining the way you complete and manage your fire risk assessments.

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The Safety & Security Event Series